My Psalm

"I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."-Psalm 139:14

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fathers and the role they play

Since its fathers day, I've decided to dedicate this post to them. Fathers play a major role in the growth and development of their children. Girls especially need their fathers to feel loved. I have often seen women suffer from low self esteem as a result of the lack of love shown by their fathers. We often overlook how important the role of a father in a daughters life is. Many girls seek love from other men when their father is absent. They engage in dangerous activities such as drinking, drug use, sexual behavior, etc. A father is the first man that they encounter on the earth and he helps to shape their identity. Sons desperately need their fathers. Fathers help to mold men into responsible citizens. Visits to the prisons have shown that a lot of men who are in there didn't have a father in the home while growing up. A lot of men who join gangs do so because they feel loved and didn't have family growing up. Men are very important to their sons life. So on this Fathers Day I salute the dads who are taking care of business and to the ones who aren't get it together before its too late!!!


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